Loving them into (and out of) your ministry area

Heather! Flies
Wooddale Church


As passionate ministers, we are intentional and thoughtful about what we do with our children/students when they are in our programs. How much more effective would our time with them be if we were just as intentional and thoughtful of the transition that brings them to us and the transition that moves them on to the next stage of ministry? In her 32nd year of student ministry, Heather has experienced a lot of transitions and she’s excited to share with you what she has learned! Get ready for practical, tangible, and real life ideas with a lot of humor and passion mixed in!

About the Presenter:

Outside the walls of Wooddale, Heather spends a great deal of time and energy as a communicator. During the school year, she is invited into local schools to speak on abstinence, self-esteem, and other current issues. She also encourages women in all seasons of life, trains youth workers, and helps parents understand how to love their teenagers well.

In addition, Heather authored I Want to Talk to My Teen About Girl Stuff , a book for parents and her book for teenagers That’s What She Said/That’s What He Said.

FUN STUFF: Heather loves football, dominating on the tennis court, Tigger and listening to Christmas music 11 months out of the year. She owns 319 bottles of nail polish and 98 pairs of shorts (which she wears all winter long!) She is the daughter of a long distance truck driver, the youngest of six children, and grew up in southern Minnesota. Heather lives in Minnesota with her husband, Chad, and their two St. Bernards.




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